Vamptress Of The Puppets

Vamptress Of The Puppets

Enslavement for eternity, words that speak for themselves while the feeling of secure sneaks up on you. That is exactly what you ever wished: being my puppet, being trussed to me and consign your soul to me in exchange for the ultimate taunt, without any chance of escaping. You will be mine forever while I inhale your soul and let your internal darkness burst. Allegiance and subordination is the only behavior you will practice. You will do whatever I want from you: surrender yourself and soak in the overwhelming feeling of arriving where you belong. Seeing my amusement about your miserable situation is your biggest satisfaction while you know that I will dispose you after taking away everything from you. You tried to escape under cover of darkness but resistance was futile, the darkness of the enslavement by the Vamptress of the Puppets had .