When you got shrunk, I determined determined I desired to get my own back and dropped you in my shoe before I went to the gym. Peering inwards to see how you got on, I delight in what a horrible practice it must have been for you, pressed up against my foot as I sweated into my sock as you squirmed and plead for me to be nice and let you out. Setting you down on the floor I give you a straight choice. Either, be flattened under my foot, or idolize my feet and jack off over my pretty but smelly feet. Im amazed that you selected the indignity and shame of wanking your chisel to my feet. If you had any sort of shame, you would have just asked to have been crushed with at least some honour. Its been so much fun playing with you, but youre not being taken back home. No, youre going to be stored somewhere safe and warm and secret until the next time I want to play with you.
Nikki Hell And Heaven I am a sexy stewardess today and i take my pasannger in hell hard face spanking ...
Alisa – Time For Indignity – Foot... Alisa puts her feet on my face and I smell sweat from her socks. I lie on my ...
Shiny Ass Addiction Can you never get enough of those shiny booty clips? I can understand you, ...
Now You Can Munch My Skater Socks Miss Kitten: After the foot slave cleaned my skater vans with his tongue, he can ...
Weekend Sissy Includes black - sissy abasement - abasing tasks - cock tease - challenges - ...
Miss Tiphaine And Miss Avila Leaping And Trample... Savage full bod trample, brutal face trample, brutal cock and balls trample, ...
Ass Sniffers Fix A very brief and simple clip! Great for those who need their Ass Sniffing Fix ...
Schuhanprobe – Pumps Ihr kleinen Viecher wolltet mir schon immer mal dabei zusehen wie ich mir Schuhe ...
Becoming My Toilet Slave You have come to me wanting to serve my every fad, wish and desire. I tell you ...
Slave Feeding With Mistress Maeva Mistress Maeva feed her slave in the park, she crush a tangerine under her high ...
Youthful And Smelly Feet Dominate Poor Man Dormitories warden Charlie is responsible for keeping the place clean and ...
Tura Slaps His Face The red-haired mistress Tura smacks the face of her slave. She wants to ...