Mandys beloved pastime is her slave Richie as a shoe to use for its many tasty hot boots. Like a Schuhabstreifer he must lie on the ground in front of the cabinet and its expected functions. Mandy faces her shoe closet, and was considering which pair will attract them. Very first, the purple-colored, open high high-heeled shoes have their turn. With her stockinged feet she slips into it and then sets the shoe on Richies face. With the tongue to gobble it, the shoe foot and then suck the paragraph. Then come the turn of the blue PUMB. Then the green strappy sandals. Parked on his head, it trusses to Mandy. Finally, she opts for the bright yellow high heels. They too must polish Richie with his tongue. Then they Glass Shoes from the series, then the fire-red high heels that are open in front. Mandy he pushes sales to lick deep into her mouth.
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