Dietrich’s Human Furniture – Vhq

Dietrich’s Human Furniture – Vhq

The woman with the best gams in D/s per Max Divor, Dietrich, is at it again in an incredible display of beauty and aloof supremacy. Dietrich comes home early and detects her boytoy has not cleaned the apartment yet for her next photo shoot. Bad idea. Fortunately for Dietrich, and for us, moving furniture around is not a problem -- she has a slave. In fact, the slave is the furniture, and makes a lovely chair, carpet, and footrest as she sips champagne and checks her mobile to check how much money has come into her accounts. Of course, Dietrich cant make up her mind how to arrange things -- so there are some terrific shots of this remarkable femme fatale from all different angles. Read this set with envy -- by the end, youll wish you could be any pice of furniture Dietrich .