We go out to dinner. You know full well that I am wearing nude nylon stockings. All through the evening this is all you can think about. You are dissipated. You are feeble. Why did you think I wore these? Its pretty demonstrable isnt it? I want you powerless. I want you dispersed. We get back to my place, where I make you showcase me how feeble you indeed are. I directive you to get down on your knees and idolize my divine long legs, clad in those alluring nude nylon stockings. I slip my feet out of those sexy heels, revealing my nylon encased feet. I let you feel inside the shoes, to feel how warm they are. You begin to throb. I can see your desire for my stockings, so I allow you to stroke worship for 1 minute only. Yet with all my treats, comes a price. Like so many others, you are just a weak pathetic simpleton of a man eager to please me 247. You relish in your degradation. Watch to find out what commands I give you whilst you are in such a pathetic, weak, quivering state. CONTAINS ELEMENTS OF: FEMDOM, NYLONS, PANTYHOSESTOCKINGS, FINDOM, FINANCIAL DOMINATION, FOOT WORSHIP, HEEL WORSHIP, FOOT FETISH, LEG WORSHIP.
Carmela’s Sweaty Feet Domination Carmela thinks that this loser slave is actually talking too much all the time, ...
Maeva Human Footstool And Smelling Domination Mistress Maeva release after a hard days work, she uses her slave as footstool, ...
Humiliated By Jamie-kate The vulnerable man is tied up and knees right in front of his spitting mistress. ...
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Eileen On The Throat Lovely Eileen stands on the throat.
Loser Cuckold Little Key Big Effect There are numerous reasons why one should lock your dick away. Looking at your ...
My Slave Is My Trampoline Im leaping onto the slaves belly from the stool. Hes lounging on the ground and ...
Meet Your Master – Cuckold You know you are not a real man to me. You are a slave, nothing more. I know you ...
Nutten-erziehung Selbstverstndlich wirst du als Zweilochnutte fr mich anschaffen gehen und mir ...
Dominant Licking 26 Alida brings with her friend Hannah to her home to display off her fresh slave ...
Jeans Sitting 79 Richie would like to lie on the couch at leisure actually, but simply Hanna lets ...