Your 3 Task

Your 3 Task

So there you have now done already Task 1 and 2 now comes part 3 So get it so that you have a task you quickly!

Go Make Yourself Useful

Go Make Yourself Useful

Yes! You are permitted to once again show me that you can be of some use. Do you manage it to be more useful this time? I doubt it!

Ashtray Hooker

Ashtray Hooker

Youre a nothing and just as you are to use also... you may just serve as my stinking ashtray!

Red Dream

Red Dream

Kneel down and enjoy this sight when I got my finger toe nails red paintshop me!

I Smoke Your Money

I Smoke Your Money

Your money is my money and I smoke this relish, and you must witness! I do not care if you still can afford cigarettes you or not, I let it taste me!